
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre Extreme

See also: The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard)


The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)

Akh afah ampitheatre extreme banner1.png


Firm Durendaire's efforts to establish an outpost in Snowcloak have met with disaster, attributable to a surprise attack by Iceheart's followers. Now in possession of their sometime fortress, as well as a vast supply of crystals, the heretics are certain to summon Saint Shiva over again. If past experience is whatsoever indication, this new incarnation volition be stronger than the last. Regardless, it changes nothing─ Iceheart's cause cannot continue, and only you take the ability to finish her.

— In-game description

The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme) is a level 50 trial introduced in patch 2.4.

Shiva EX Guide


Aggressive difficulty r6.png Lady of Frost: Shiva


Unarmed Course

After using a weapon, Shiva will perform 2 unarmed attacks before using another weapon.

Dreams of Ice: Shiva gains a permanent, stackable damage vitrify. This serves equally an enrage timer.

Icicle Impact: Circles announced on the footing in various patterns, and later a moment, the circles disappear and icicles drop down, dealing heavy impairment to all players hit.

Sword Course

Shiva's auto attacks inflict stacks of Blunt Resistance Down on the main tank. The tank will take more damage from her auto attacks when she switches back to Staff Form.

  • Tanks: When Shiva equips her sword, she will immediately apply Icebrand.Practice Not wait for the weapon buff to come up or volition be too late to turn her towards your party to mitigate Ice Brand.

Icbrand: Conal set on that deals a total of 18k damage, split betwixt all the players striking past information technology. Volition get through tank invuln. The whole party should exist hitting by the attack.

Glacier Bash: Conal attack that deals heavy damage and stuns anyone caught in it. The tank can avoid information technology by running through Shiva after she starts casting information technology.

Heavenly Strike: Knockback from Shiva.

Whiteout: Untelegraphed donut AoE.

Rotation: Ice Make -> Glacier Bash -> Whiteout (Heavenly Strikes are used randomly throughout)

Staff Form

Shiva'due south motorcar attacks inflict stacks of Slashing Resistance Downward on the principal tank. The tank will take more damage from her auto attacks when she switches back to Sword Form.

  • When Shiva equips her staff, she volition immediately cast Hail Storm. DO Not wait to run out to the edges - information technology should exist your INITIAL reaction.

Hail Storm: Ice AoEs will spawn on players' heads. Spread out to avoid hitting each other.

Absolute Zero: Raidwide.

Bow Form

Only in Phase 3.

Shiva's auto attacks are unaffected past Slashing/Edgeless Resistance Downwardly while in this form merely deal increased impairment.

Glass Trip the light fantastic toe: Used at the start of Bow Class. Fires icicles in a 270 degree cone around her, dealing 10k damage to all players hit. Your entire party needs to stand up direct behind her to avoid the damage.

Barrage: Places a mark above a random player. After a moment Shiva will burn a line AoE at the target, knocking back the marked player and anyone nearby. The knockback can be cancelled with Arm's Length/Surecast. It is used virtually 20 seconds after start of Bow Grade.

  • Move her close to the north edge of the loonshit. Take the marked actor stand behind Shiva while the residue of the party stands in forepart of her. This volition cause the player to be knocked back harmlessly towards the south of the room but non far enough to striking the wall and become frozen.

Stage 1: 100% - 80%

In phase i Shiva will use Sword Course, Staff Form and Unarmed Form.

Tank Shiva in the center of the room, facing her away from the party. Shiva has 3 dissimilar weapons that she can switch between. Each weapon has a dissimilar assail and she uses them in a random order.

Players demand to assign a tank that tanks her in Sword Form and another tank that tanks her in her Staff Form.

Sword Tank should allow Shiva to hit the party with Icebrand but avoid Glacier Bash.

Phase ii

At the beginning, Shiva spawns iv Ice Soldiers and get into Sword Form. The staff tank should gather all the adds in the center of the room so they can be AoE'd down.

Subsequently 60 seconds, Shiva will go untargetable, freeze the party, then reappear with Diamond Dust, dealing 2-4k harm to all players. If whatever adds are still live earlier Shiva disappears, the party volition be wiped instead.

Phase 3: lxx% - 0%

From hither on, ouching the edge of the arena will freeze the histrion into a boulder. Frozen player can be freed after political party members kill the bedrock.

Shiva gains Bow Form in addition to Sword Form, Staff Class and Unarmed Class.

She likewise gains an ability named Permafrost. It coats the basis in water ice and places a DoT on everyone for a short fourth dimension. It as well applies the Thin Ice debuff to all players. If a thespian attempts to move while she has the debuff on, they will slide uncontrollably in that direction.

  • Stand nonetheless for a few seconds after every catastrophe movement, i.due east. Icicle Impact, Avalanche, etc. - til Thin Ice wears off or you will slide into walls and get frozen.

Shiva gains 2 new Icicle Affect patterns.

Rotation: Icicle (Staff) -> Staff Form -> Icicle (Bow) -> Bow Form -> Icicle (Sword/Staff) -> Icicle (Bow) -> (Repeat from Sword/Staff)

At xi Damage Up stacks, Shiva will go untargetable, freeze the party, and cast Diamond Grit, wiping the party.


Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer

Name Blazon Rarity Quantity
True ice brand icon1.png True Ice Make Sword C Tomestone 1
True ice axe icon1.png Truthful Ice Axe Greataxe C Tomestone 1
True ice breaker icon1.png True Water ice Breaker Greatsword C Tomestone 1
True ice spear icon1.png True Ice Spear Polearm C Tomestone ane
True ice claws icon1.png Truthful Ice Claws Fist Weapon C Tomestone 1
True ice katana icon1.png True Ice Katana Katana C Tomestone 1
True ice daggers icon1.png Truthful Water ice Daggers Daggers C Tomestone 1
True ice bow icon1.png True Ice Bow Bow C Tomestone 1
True ice musketoon icon1.png True Ice Musketoon Firearms C Tomestone 1
True ice rod icon1.png True Ice Rod Staff C Tomestone ane
True grimoire of ice icon1.png True Grimoire of Ice Book C Tomestone i
True ice degen icon1.png Truthful Ice Degen Rapier C Tomestone 1
True ice cane icon1.png True Water ice Pikestaff Cane C Tomestone 1
True codex of ice icon1.png True Codex of Ice Book C Tomestone i
True ice astrometer icon1.png Truthful Ice Astrometer Star Earth C Tomestone i
True ice shield icon1.png True Water ice Shield Shield C Tomestone 1
True ice bracelet of fending icon1.png Truthful Water ice Bracelet of Fending Bracelets C Tomestone i
True ice bracelet of slaying icon1.png True Ice Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets C Tomestone i
True ice bracelet of aiming icon1.png True Ice Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets C Tomestone 1
True ice bracelet of casting icon1.png True Ice Bracelet of Casting Bracelets C Tomestone 1
True ice bracelet of healing icon1.png True Water ice Bracelet of Healing Bracelets C Tomestone one
Ice tear icon1.png Ice Tear Crafting textile A Bones i
Diamond tear icon1.png Diamond Tear Crafting material A Basic 1
Ice weapon coffer icon1.png Ice Weapon Coffer Other A Bones 1
Boreas whistle icon1.png Boreas Whistle Other A Basic i
Faded copy of footsteps in the snow icon1.png Faded Copy of Footsteps in the Snow Orchestrion Whorl A Bones 1
Faded copy of oblivion icon1.png Faded Copy of Oblivion Orchestrion Scroll A Basic one


The Akh Afah Amphitheatre Extreme,


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